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1.2 Launcher and browsers

The heart of the MetaEdit+ environment is the Main Launcher as shown in Figure 1–2 (please note that the appearance of the Launcher may vary depending on the user privileges and the MetaEdit+ version used).


Figure 1–2. MetaEdit+ Launcher.

The top part of the Launcher window is occupied by the toolbar with buttons for the most often used operations, such as committing or abandoning the current transaction, undoing/redoing the latest changes, setting preferences with the Options Tool, creating new models, generating code and documentation and exporting design data.

The lower part of the window contains the various browsers for accessing the design data within the MetaEdit+ environment. New browser windows can also be launched separately from the Browsers and Metamodel menus. The browsers each offer their own view on the data loaded from the repository:
*Graph Browser provides a model level view of the design data: all elements are viewed as parts of the graphs they belong to.
*Type Browser is a tool for accessing elements by their type.
*Object Browser provides a hierarchical view of the design data based on graph, object and property aggregation structures.
Through the browsers, you can not only view and change design data, but also open models for editing or find out where certain elements have been used and re-used.

Note that the Launcher window is deliberately sized not to be full screen. Rather than forcing every MetaEdit+ window to be full screen, the idea is to be able to have more than one window open and visible, freely positionable on multiple screens. Research shows this is more effective, allowing users to more easily integrate information from several windows.

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