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2.6.1 Working with the MetaEdit+ API
2.6.2 Trying out visual debugging

2.6 Visual Debugging

One of the most common questions regarding the DSM approach is how to track down bugs in the generated code. Conventional debugging strategies may be handy when we are building the framework and code generator for DSM, but for the developer who is working with the DSM environment, the game of debugging is indeed a fair bit different than with traditional IDEs. Let us first consider these differences:
*Needs no manual changes to generated code. The benefits of domain-specific modeling are mostly due to the 100% code generation, which allows us to work on a higher level than code. Bug corrections are thus not made to the final code, but to the models instead.
*All errors originate from designs, not from code. As code is generated automatically and always with the same rules, there are no typical code level errors like typos or syntactical mistakes. This means that for normal developers, errors originate from the design level (the metamodeler will correct errors in the code generators).
Both these factors lead to the conclusion that with DSM, not only design but also the debugging of designs should happen on the model level. This is a significant improvement over traditional non-DSM use of models, where the developer had to separately update the design models after making the code corrections: now it is possible to make the corrections in a single place.

When debugging on the model level, the important question is how to find the faulty part of the model. Our original test environment for watch applications provided a very limited solution for this problem by providing information about the current application state at run-time. While this was useful, we would like to have a more integrated solution. To that end, we have implemented a visual debugging aid that lets to follow the execution of our watches, by animating their state models in sync with the actual watch running in the test environment.

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