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Check Repository
Metamodel security
Garbage Collect
File in Patches
Convert to Single
Repository Transcript

2.3.2 Repository Options

When logged in, select Repository | Options in the Main Launcher and choose the Repository page of the tabbed window that opens. Most actions here are only available to the system administrator, but normal users can check the completeness of metamodel specifications, and view settings concerning the repository.

Options - Repository

Figure 10. Repository Options page.

Check Repository

Check Repository reports on types which do not have complete specifications, e.g. do not have an identifying property or symbol. The incomplete types are reported in a list dialog, from which they can be selected for editing.


The Metamodelers button opens a dialog where the system administrator can see and change which users have the right to metamodel. The system administrator who creates a repository receives metamodeling rights; other users created later do not initially have metamodeling rights. Metamodeling rights are required not only to use the features of MetaEdit+ Workbench to create and modify types, but also for the metamodeling features of the standard version of MetaEdit+: changing symbols, property dialogs, and saving generators.
->It is possible to write and run a generator without saving it in the repository: this does not require metamodeling rights.

Enforcement of metamodeling security level and metamodeler rights is by means of locks. The lock is only taken at the time the changes are saved: users can open metamodeling tools without acquiring any locks or having metamodeling rights, but they will be unable to save any changes they make. In the standard (non-Workbench) version of MetaEdit+, the metamodeling tools exist, but all save options are grayed out, i.e. unavailable.

Metamodel security

MetaEdit+ allows you to modify metamodels, even while you or other users are using them, constantly making sure that the repository is kept consistent. However, it can be rather unsettling to users to find the modeling languages they are using changing under their feet! To control this situation, the system administrator can define the metamodel security level: are other users allowed to be logged in while someone is metamodeling. Currently there are four settings:
*exclusive: the metamodeler must be the only user in the repository.
*single: there can be only one metamodeler in the whole repository at a time, but any number of simultaneous non-metamodeling users.
*project: only one metamodeler can access a specific project, but any number of non-metamodelers may work in the project, and other metamodelers may work in other projects.
*type: any number of metamodelers and modelers can access all projects and types, and saving a change to a type locks it first. As each project has its own list of types, and that list is locked when a type is added, only one metamodeler can be adding types in a project at a time.
The initial default is exclusive.

Garbage Collect

This option will condense the repository by removing all old versions of objects, and perform a global repository garbage collect, removing all objects from the repository that are no longer used, e.g. all deleted objects. It will also condense version snapshots. The net result is a smaller, faster repository, which is also ready for copying for use in the single user version (cf. Convert to Single, Section 2.1.4). Because of the amount of data that must be read and maintained in memory, this is both a time consuming and memory intensive operation. We advise taking a backup of your repository before performing garbage collect.

File in Patches

There are two types of patches in MetaEdit+: program patches update the MetaEdit+ program itself, and repository patches or MetaEdit+ XML files import types and models and thus update the repository. All users can file in program patches, but only a system administrator can file in repository patches (other than MXM model files).

The process of filing in program patches is described in the MetaEdit+ User’s Guide. The use of repository patches is described in detail in Section 2.4.


This button will open the Repository Info dialog for the server specified in the Options Tool Server URL field, for the current repository and system administrator user name. It will prompt for the system administrator password. The Repository Info dialog is described in Section 2.2.

Convert to Single

To convert a multi-user repository for single-user use, press the Convert to Single button and answer Yes to the confirmation dialog. For more information about converting repositories, see Section 2.1.4.

Repository Transcript

The Repository Transcript text box shows the log of the repository operations for the current session. Please note that the transcript is not updated in real time, so to view possible recent events, activate some other page in the Options Tool and then go back to the Repository page.

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