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Thank you for purchasing MetaEdit+®. We here at MetaCase sincerely hope that this tool will offer you the functionality you need for your work.

MetaEdit+ comes in three versions:
*MetaEdit+ Modeler, which is a fully functional modeling tool with wide modeling language support, documentation and code generators. This manual provides information about MetaEdit+.
*MetaEdit+ Modeler with API, which contains all of Modeler and allows the creation and use of more advanced external interfacing options via XML import/export formats, an API, and command line operations. The basic use of extensions made with these functions is described in this manual; sections discussing such features not available in the plain MetaEdit+ Modeler are clearly marked. The detailed description of the available functions for those building extensions with them is provided in Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of the Workbench manual, ‘MetaEdit+ Workbench User’s Guide’.
*MetaEdit+ Workbench, which contains all of Modeler with API and adds features for modeling language development, allowing you to create tool support for your own languages and generators. These extra features are described in the Workbench manual, ‘MetaEdit+ Workbench User’s Guide’.
In addition, all versions of MetaEdit+ are available for single and multi-user environments. The main differences caused by a multi-user environment are explained in this manual in Section 6.1, with any extra differences for specific features included in the manual covering that feature. ‘MetaEdit+ System Administrator’s Guide’ explains in more detail how to set up MetaEdit+ for multiple users.

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