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4.2 MetaEdit+ extension for Visual Studio

While the C# generator for the Watch Example provides entry-level integration with Visual Studio by generating the required project definitions and other additional files, it is recommended to use an additional free Visual Studio extension to take the full advantage of the Visual Studio and MetaEdit+ integration. There are several advantages of using the extension:
One-click access to your MetaEdit+ repository from Visual Studio
Live tree view in Visual Studio of all your MetaEdit+ models
Double-click to open and edit MetaEdit+ models from Visual Studio
Autobuild: generate code from MetaEdit+ models, import into a Visual Studio solution, build and run
Trace and debug on both the code and model levels simultaneously
The MetaEdit+ extension for Visual Studio requires a Workbench or API version of MetaEdit+, and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate or Professional edition. It can downloaded for free from http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com. The source code and documentation for the extension is available at http://graphbrowser.codeplex.com.

To install the extension, start Visual Studio, select Extending Visual Studio and then Visit the Visual Studio Gallery (as in Figure 4-1).This will take you to the Visual Studio Gallery main page.

Figure 4-1. Extending Visual Studio

Search for ‘MetaEdit+ extension for Visual Studio’ and follow the link to the extension download page (as shown in Figure 4-2). Press the Download button and follow the instructions to complete the extension installation.

Figure 4-2. Downloading Visual Studio extension

Start the extension in Visual Studio by selecting View | More Windows | Graph Browser. The extension will try to start MetaEdit+ from its expected default location. However, if MetaEdit+ is installed elsewhere, the error dialog shown in Figure 4-3 will appear. Should this happen, you can set the required paths for MetaEdit+ by clicking the Open the Launch Parameter Window button in the toolbar (the one with the gear icon) and entering the correct values in dialog that opens.

Figure 4-3. ‘No connection to MetaEdit+ API’ error dialog.

When the extension connects to MetaEdit+, it will populate the Graph Browser pane with a list of the graphs available in MetaEdit+ at the time (as shown in Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4. Visual Studio extension Graph Browser.

The following operations are available in the Graph Browser pane:
Run ‘Autobuild’ generator for selected graph
Run selected generator for selected graph
Open selected graph in MetaEdit+
Edit properties of the selected graph
Create new graph
Update graph list
Show/hide types
Setting launch parameters
All communication between the extension and MetaEdit+ is carried out via the MetaEdit+ API. Hence, all model editing and code generation is carried out natively in MetaEdit+ while the generated code is loaded into, build and executed in Visual Studio. To try this out, select ‘2012Models’ graph in the Graph Browser pane and then Edit Graph Properties from its popup menu. This will open the usual property dialog in MetaEdit+. Set ‘C#: API’ as the Generation target platform, OK the dialog and select Run Autobuild from the ‘2012Models’ popup menu in the Graph Browser pane to launch the code generation. After the code is generated and compiled, the test environment will be launched and visual debugging activated (as shown Figure 4-5).

Figure 4-5. Using the Visual Studio extension

For further information on the extension, please see its documentation on Codeplex.

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