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5.3.1 Android Development Environment

The required components for the Watch example for Android are:
*Apache Ant command line tool for compiling the Android project (available at The Android Java generators were developed and tested with Ant version 1.9.3 and we recommend using the same version.
*Android SDK for the additional Android libraries and Android Emulator (available at
To install Apache Ant, extract the distribution zip file to a suitable location (for example C:\Java\apache-ant-1.9.3). After that, set the environment variables JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME:
1)Right-click My Computer, select Properties | Advanced system settings (or, if you are on Windows XP, Properties | Advanced) and press the Environmental Variables button.
2)Press New, enter JAVA_HOME as the Variable name, set the Variable value to point to your Java SDK folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_111), and press OK. Similarly, create another new variable called ANT_HOME and make it point to the Apache Ant folder (e.g. C:\Java\apache-ant-1.9.3).
3)Find and select the Path variable from the System variables list, press Edit and add a semicolon followed by the bin folder from Apache Ant’s installation (e.g. C:\Java\apache-ant-1.9.3\bin) to the end of the Variable values string.

With Ant installation completed, you can proceed with installing the Android SDK. The Android generators are developed and tested with Android API level 8 (Android 2.2) so make sure that the API level 8 is included in the install. To install Android SDK:
1)Run the Android SDK installer and follow the instructions.
2)Start the SDK manager and select following packages (at least) to be installed:

*Tools | Android SDK Platform-tools
*Android 2.2 (API 8) | SDK Platform
When you have installed the required components, select ‘Java: Android’ as the Generation target platform in ‘WatchModels’ property dialog and run the ‘Autobuild’ generator. The generator produces Android application source code and project files, and a batch file. The batch file execution will compile the project using Ant, create and start the Android emulator and finally install and launch the emulator. It may take a few moments for the emulator to start and install the application when executed for the first time. To launch the generated application in an actual Android device instead, modify the batch file generator “_create make for Java: Android” in MetaEdit+ to suit your purposes.

In addition to Apache Ant and Android SDK, you may also want to install the Eclipse IDE, the Android development plug-in, and the Eclipse plug-in for MetaEdit+ to integrate and edit the Android application source code in Eclipse. The installation of Eclipse and MetaEdit+ plug-in has been described in Section 5.2, ‘Eclipse plug-in for MetaEdit+’. To install the Android Development Toolkit, start Eclipse, select Help | Install New Software and enter the following URL to the location field: Follow the instructions to complete the installation. After the installation you can try out the Android generation from Eclipse by following the general instructions about using the Eclipse plug-in for MetaEdit+ in Section 5.2.


Figure 5-3. Eclipse plug-in and Android

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