Publish project documentation in Word

Documentation about a whole project's designs can be generated automatically into a DOC file at any time. The generated DOC file includes diagrams and hyperlinks between design elements, and the text can be edited.

Try it! Project Documentation

The project documentation includes the following information:

  • A cover page with document information
  • A table of contents
  • Project name and description
  • Project manager
  • Project personnel with their contact details
  • Project status
  • Diagram of project structure
  • Dictionary of the graphs and subprojects with brief documentation and links to each graph's full documentation

The documentation for each subproject contains a similar set of information, and the documentation for each graph includes the diagram objects, their properties, relationships and links to other graphs. The generated DOC file also includes hyperlinks to refer between design elements. 

The DOC file uses a MetaEdit+ template for styles (headings, normal), and you can also attach your own template and modify the styles to suit your own documentation standards. As with all MetaEdit+ reports, you can also customize the report: what is reported and how it is formatted.