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Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling

October 12, 2009 16:52:41 +0300 (EEST)

One of the surprises for me at Code Generation 2009 was during the keynote, when I passed round a list for people to sign up to receive a pre-print of the Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling article that was to appear in IEEE Software. When the list came back, I was astonished to see that basically the entire audience had signed up -- never underestimate the appeal of "free"!

I think the article is important, in that it is the first study of a large sample of DSM languages. The 20 worst practices identified were analysed from a sample spanning:

  • 76 cases of DSM
  • 15 years
  • 4 continents
  • several tools
  • 100 language creators
  • 3 to 300 modelers per case

IEEE Software has now published the next issue after the special issue on DSM, so it seems a fair time to point you to the final version of our article, available for free download:

Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling
Steven Kelly and Risto Pohjonen
IEEE Software, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 22-29, July/Aug. 2009

Stop press: thanks to the efforts of the tireless Yoshio Asano of Fujisetsubi, the article is also available in Japanese from the same page. Domo arigato, Yoshio-san!


Using UML takes 15% longer than just coding

October 07, 2009 16:20:51 +0300 (EEST)

In the keynote at Code Generation, I mentioned that empirical research shows that using UML does not improve software development productivity: depending on the study, reports ranged from -15% to +10% compared to just coding. I guess most people these days know those results from their own experience, but as the reports I was aware of were from the 1990s, it was interesting to see a more up-to-date article recently:

WJ Dzidek, E Arisholm, LC Briand: A Realistic Empirical Evaluation of the Costs and Benefits of UML in Software Maintenance, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol 34 No 3, May/June 2008

Unlike many earlier studies, this uses professional developers and reasonably large tasks. The tasks all extended the same Java Struts web application, in total about 30 hours per developer. 10 developers performed the tasks with Java, and another 10 performed the same tasks with Java and Borland's Together UML tool. The developers using UML were somewhat more experienced -- 256 kLOC of Java under their belts rather than 187 kLOC, and 44% longer Struts experience -- but otherwise the groups were similar. Time was measured until submission of a correct solution, giving a reasonably sound basis for comparison. Here are the results:

Time to correctly complete 5 tasks: with UML 2300 minutes, without UML 2000 minutes

Compared to just coding, using UML took 15% longer to reach a correct solution (the green bar). In addition, it looks like even using UML to help you understand the code gives no benefit over just reading the code: the blue and red bars are the same length as the purple bar. As the tasks only looked at extending an existing system with existing models, we can't say for sure whether the story is the same in initial implementation, but other studies indicate it.

One bad thing about the article is that it tries to obfuscate this clear result by subtracting the time spent on updating the models: the whole times are there, but the abstract, intro and conclusions concentrate on the doctored numbers, trying to show that UML is no slower. Worse, the authors try to give the impression that the results without UML contained more errors -- although they clearly state that they measured the time to a correct submission. They claim a "54% increase in functional correctness", which sounded impressive. However, alarm bells started ringing when I saw the actual data even shows a 100% increase in correctness for one task. That would mean all the UML solutions were totally correct, and all the non-UML solutions were totally wrong, wouldn't it? But not in their world: what it actually meant was that out of 10 non-UML developers, all their submissions were correct apart from one mistake made by one developer in an early submission, but which he later corrected. Since none of the UML developers made a mistake in their initial submissions of that particular task, they calculated a 100% difference, and try to claim that as a 100% improvement in correctness -- ludicrous!

To calculate correctness they should really have had a number of things that had to be correct, e.g. 20 function points. Calculated like that, the value for 1 mistake would drop by a factor of 20, down from 100% to just 5% for that developer, and 0.5% over all non-UML developers. I'm pretty sure that calculated like that there would be no statistically significant difference left. Even if there was, times were measured until all mistakes were corrected, so all it would mean is that the non-UML developers were more likely to submit a code change for testing before it was completely correct. Quite possibly the extra 15% of time spent on updating the models gave the developer time to notice a mistake, perhaps when updating that part of the model, and so he went straight back to making a fix rather than first submitting his code for testing. In any case, to reach the same eventual level of quality took 15% longer with UML than without: if you have a quality standard to meet, using UML won't make you get there any more certainly, it will just slow you down.

To their credit, the authors point out two similar experiments as related work. One showed UML took 27% longer, the other 48% longer. The percentage of time spent updating models was also larger: 30-35% (which may be because those studies only measured time until the first submission of a solution: correcting bugs was probably mostly coding, so if measured to a correct solution the UML time would only increase a little and hence the percentages would drop).

So what do we learn from all this? Probably nothing new about UML, but at least a confirmation that earlier results still apply, even for real developers on realistic projects using today's UML tools. Maybe more importantly, we can see that empirical research, properly written up, is valuable in helping us decide whether something really improves productivity or not. Ignore the conclusions (they probably existed in the minds of the authors before the paper was written), but look at the data and the analysis. Throw out the chaff, and draw your own conclusions from what is left. Above all, don't blindly accept or reject what they say, just because it agrees or disagrees with your existing prejudice. There's at least a chance that you might learn something!


Code Generation 2009 round-up

June 24, 2009 01:25:20 +0300 (EEST)

Once again, Code Generation proved itself as the best European conference on Model-Driven Development. Lots of smart people, lots of experience, lots of enthusiasm, lots of willingness to listen and learn from others. Even though having to prepare and run some sessions hampered me from seeing as much of the rest as I'd like, there's still too much to write for one blog post. I'll post about things I'm certain of first, and come back to things like Xtext and MPS after further investigation.


The two keynotes, both presented as a double act by me and Markus Völter, seemed to go down well. Mark Dalgarno had a surprise up his sleeve, presenting us with a blind choice of weapons from a black bag. We then had to duel it out, graphical DSM against textual DSLs, with the plastic gun and dagger we picked. Since I got the gun, I think the result was a foregone conclusion :-). The dagger may be a "weapon from an earlier, more civilized age", but it's only useful if you can get in close to your adversary. Similarly, text may be more familiar, but it does often tie you closer to the code; problem domain DSLs in text seem as rare as accurate knife throwers. Markus successfully stabbed me in the back later on, so that evened things up and emphasized the point from our slides: both text and graphics are useful in the right place. Choose, but choose wisely.

It was fun to see the keynote get picked up on Twitter:

EelcoVisser: keynote by @markusvoelter and Steven Kelly at #cg2009: great overview of issues in model-driven development
HBehrens: Steven Kelly at #cg2009 keynote: "wizard based generators create a large legacy application you've never seen before"

The latter was picked up by several people. The reference was to vendor-supplied wizards, often found in IDEs or SDKs, that create skeleton applications for you based on your input. Since the vendors take pride in just how much boilerplate they can spew out, you're left with a mass of generated code that you've never seen before, but must extend with your own code. Worse, you're responsible for maintaining the whole ensuing mixture, and there's no chance of re-running the wizard to change some of the choices -- at least not without losing or invalidating the code you've added. That's in sharp contrast with generation in DSM, where your input is in the form of a model which you can edit at any time. You get the speed of generation but can remain at a high level of abstraction throughout.

MetaEdit+ Hands-on

We'd decided to try something special in the hands-on: building 5 different graphical modeling languages from scratch in under 3 hours. Rather than being random exercises, the languages were increasingly good ways of modeling the same domain. We started with something that was basically just the current code turned into graphics, and ended up with a language that reduced the modeling work to a third of what it was at its worst, with many possible errors ruled out by the language design and rules, and with much better scope for reuse. We showed how to make generators for all the languages, and actually built them for two. And of course since this was MetaEdit+, simply defining the metamodel already gave you a full graphical modeling environment -- we just tweaked the symbols to taste.

Never having run the session before, we were rather nervous about how much we could achieve in the time available. In the end, thanks to great slides from Risto Pohjonen and testing from Janne Luoma, it seems we pretty much hit our target. Only at the very end of the last language did we have some people only just starting the last section (the generator) while others were finishing it and going on to beautify the symbols or play around with other fun features of MetaEdit+. Hopefully people learned not just about MetaEdit+ as a tool, but also how to make better languages and improve existing ones. Feedback online was encouraging:

PeterBell: Great metaedit hands on - built and refactored language and generator in just a couple of hours at #cg2009
elsvene: been to a great hands-on session for MetaEdit+. Really interesting tool! #cg2009
HBehrens: for me MetaEdit is the most sophisticated graphical modeling tool currently available #cg2009. Thanks for this session!


The conference dinner was of the high standard you'd expect from a Cambridge college. The airy hall and contemporary art lent a friendly ambience. The large round tables weren't particularly conducive to conversation: you could only really talk to the people either side of you without shouting or craning your neck. On long tables you can reach 5 people for the same effort. I was fortunate to be sitting between Scott Finnie and Jon Hurwitz, so I certainly didn't suffer.

The "suffering" started later, when there was a raffle in aid of Bletchley Park, the home of Allied code-breaking work in World War II. I ended up winning a prize donated by Microsoft: a screwdriver toolkit and MSDN T-shirt, causing much hilarity and bad jokes about finally getting Microsoft tools that didn't crash. The irony continued when Alan Cameron Wills won a signed copy of our Domain-Specific Modeling book -- despite having received one from us last year. Either the older British segment of the audience were most inclined to support Bletchley Park by buying raffle tickets, or then the draw was rigged to encourage vendor co-operation. The people on my table were having none of that, and encouraged me to cover up the Microsoft logos :-). All in all a good laugh, and in a good cause.


Getting ready for Code Generation

May 19, 2009 20:31:11 +0300 (EEST)

Markus Voelter and I are having fun at the moment preparing our keynotes for Code Generation. The descriptions on the web page are deliberately vague, but the important fact is there: we'll be giving both keynotes together.

As frequent conference attendees will know, Markus and I are both quiet, meek guys who would never presume to disagree, so the talks will most likely be boring consensus... NOT! I did suggest mud wrestling would be an easier way to settle our differences, but my imposing physical presence must have convinced Markus he'd have a better chance with PowerPoints at twenty paces.

In related news, Mark Dalgarno has finally realized that the concepts of "early bird" and "software developer" make uneasy bed-fellows, and the way to get people to sign up some reasonable time before conferences is to use the stick not the carrot. Yes, there's now a special not-very-early-bird price increase of 10% extra heading your way if you don't go to the site NOW and register.

It's not all stick though: if you were there at either previous conference, you get 5% off. Canny forward thinker that he is, and with CodeGen 2026 clearly in mind, Mark isn't offering 10% off if you were there both years (darn!).

However you cut it, Code Generation is simply the best conference on DSM in Europe. Even without the mud wrestling.


Playing with Martin Fowler's DSM language

March 18, 2009 13:08:40 +0200 (EET)

The roadmap for Martin Fowler's forthcoming book on DSLs indicates that he will focus on textual DSLs. The online draft of the intro does however briefly show a graphical language for a home security system: the model in Figure 6 is implemented with MetaEdit+, based on the original textual requirements:

Miss Grant has a secret compartment in her bedroom that is normally locked and concealed. To open it she has to close the door, open the second draw in her chest, turn her bedside light on - and then the secret panel is unlocked for her to open.

Juha-Pekka has been using Martin's example as a way of showing how to implement a DSM language in MetaEdit+ (Parts 1 and 2 ), and in Part 3 he points out some problems with the original language: too broad a focus, unclear usage process, and too low a level of abstraction. Juha-Pekka correctly suggests going back to the basics of the domain to discover the necessary language concepts, rather than trying to shoehorn this domain into a generic state model.

As an exercise, however, I thought it might be interesting to try to improve Martin's language as it is, rather than starting from scratch. How much of DSM is "you just have to know how to do it", and how much can be reduced to simple steps that anyone could apply? Obviously, the more of the latter that we can find, the easier it is for somebody to get started. Our DSM book aimed at just this kind of practical approach; let's take a few hints from there and apply them to Martin's language. We'll show the model in the current state of the language as we evolve it: click the pictures to see the full size screenshot.

Use meaningful symbols

Miss Grant's model with meaningful symbols Martin's language uses just black and white shapes, the kind you might see in a standard flow chart palette. Only the text within the shapes gives a clue as to the actual domain: words like "door", "drawer", "light" and "panel" occur many times. However, the brain takes a lot longer to find all occurrences of a word in a picture than it does to find all occurrences of a symbol. Try it yourself: how many times does the door symbol appear in the picture on the right, and how many times does the word "door" appear in Martin's Figure 6? (You'll actually notice a slight discrepancy: Martin's diagram omits the "reset all / return to start" event caused by the door opening, shown at the extra door at the top left in our diagram; he mentions this elsewhere in the draft.)

Reuse objects

Miss Grant's model with objects reusedHaving four door objects like this obviously isn't ideal: Martin had them, but the problem wasn't so visible there because they a) couldn't be distinguished from other objects, and b) didn't so clearly represent something in the physical world -- the problem domain. Now that we have them visible, it would be nicer if we could show that there's really only one door in this model, and it is involved in four different events or actions. So let's merge the four doors into one, and similarly for the panel.

The light bulbs and drawers are harder: if we merge them, we end up with either lots of crossing lines, or objects on top of each other -- ugly. Maybe there's something else we could do for them?

Consider n-ary relationships

N-ary relationships -- relationships involving more than two objects -- are everywhere: a "family" relationship links a father, mother and children; an inheritance relationship links a superclass with several subclasses. When people draw a diagram on paper, they're happy drawing lines that split. However, implementers of modeling tools have often misanalyzed the simplest and most common case of a binary relationship, and ended up thinking relationships can only connect two objects. They end up having to represent n-ary relationships with a fake object in place of the relationship. Such fake relationship objects leave the modeling language inconsistent, as the user can draw a "relationship object" on its own without connecting it to anything. They also make checking model correctness much harder, as the rule for what can be connected in a certain kind of relationship must be split over several relationships, all cobbled back together through the fake relationship object. (For more details, see Welke's article from my previous entry on The Model Repository.)

Miss Grant's model with several events allowed for a transitionIf you're lucky enough to have a tool that supports n-ary relationships properly, take a look at your modeling language and see if you can make a more complex structure of objects into a simpler one by connecting several objects with a single relationship. In this case, Martin already shows excellent taste by using n-ary relationships for transitions :-) -- but maybe we can go a bit further still. On the left path between Active and Unlocked panel we can see the sequence "Drawer opens", "Waiting for light", "Light on"; on the right path we have "Light on", "Waiting for drawer", "Drawer opens". If we go back to the original text, we can see that all this means is that we wait for the drawer to open and the light to come on: both must happen, but in either order. So why not just have a single transition with two events to trigger it? We can make that the default semantics of a transition: it waits for all attached events to happen, in any order. To remind ourselves that such transitions will wait for all events, we show a little block on them where the lines meet. If we wanted to support the case where either one event or the other could happen, but not both (XOR), we could have a property in the transition to specify whether it is AND or XOR, or then simply require the user to draw two transitions between the two states. In either case the amount of extra work for the XOR case is much less than is needed in a generic state model for the AND case, which requires the insertion of extra "Waiting for..." states -- only two here, but imagine covering all possibilities if there were 5 events that could happen in any order. (Exercise for the reader: how many "Waiting for" states would that require? Hint: we can do better than 5 factorial.)

Rule out corner cases

Top level model for Miss GrantAn important feature of good DSM languages is that they make the job of the modeler easier. In Martin's language, one of the hard things to see is in which states are the panels, doors etc. unlocked. We can see the actions that unlock them, but to know the state of a panel in a given state, we need to play through all possible routes that can get to that state. As the whole point of this language is to describe when things are locked or unlocked, this is quite a serious problem. Is there a way that we can make things clearer to the modeler? If we look at a few of these models, we see a common pattern emerge. On the right here a panel is unlocked by a state "Panel unlocked", and there is a transition from that state when the panel is closed, to a state that locks the panel again. This unlock->close->lock sequence appears in many models, and makes sense in the problem domain. So why not allow a shortcut syntax, where the panel itself plays the role of a state, as at the bottom in this picture: on entering the panel state, the panel is unlocked; we leave the panel state when the panel is closed, and on leaving it we lock the panel. Since we can specify the semantics like this, we can obviously make the generators produce the required code: we can do this by extra steps in the generator, by a model-to-model transformation that produces a more generic state machine, or by a more powerful state machine engine in the framework. The last would be my choice, as that way the code generated per model has the closest resemblance to the models, stays on a higher level of abstraction, and keeps the overall size of the application down.

Lower level model for Miss Grant

That takes care of the case where the panel unlock-close-lock sequence can be considered as an atomic element in the model, with nothing else happening during it. What about cases like the door being unlocked, during which there is a sequence of other events needed before it is again locked? In this case we can use a sub-model: in the figure above, the green padlock relationship connecting the "Door unlocked" state to the door means "during this state, the door is unlocked" -- i.e. on entry the door is unlocked, and on exit it is locked; as before, closing the door exits that state. The little blue star in the "Door unlocked" state indicates that it has a submodel, shown in this figure. The contents of the submodel are of course just the set of states during which the door is always unlocked. Now it's easy for the modeler to know whether the various secret compartments are locked or unlocked at each stage -- and of course thus to ensure that the system he designs has no holes in its security. And since the code is generated, we'll never forget those pesky bounds checks, so there'll be no buffer overruns to exploit :-).

Keep models compact

Miss Grant's model merged back into a single diagramSub-models are great for hiding complexity and making the modeling language scale better. If each model becomes too small, however, many people find it harder to understand. Those with a Lisp or Smalltalk background are used to methods being only 2-4 lines of code; in more commonly used languages several such methods tend to be grouped together into a single larger method. Obviously extremes in either direction are bad; providing we stay within the bounds of what is sensible, we can choose the option that the modeler feels more comfortable with. In this diagram we have combined the two small models back into one larger one, stretching the "Door unlocked" state to enclose its substates. We can still see during which states the door and panel are unlocked, and maybe the overall picture is clearer -- or maybe not. In any case, this slightly reduces the number of model elements compared to the previous step.


If we count each object as 1 element, each binary relationship as 1 element, and each additional role or property as 1 element, plus 1 for each model, we get the following size metrics for the models above:

41Use meaningful symbols
36Reuse objects
27Consider n-ary relationships
23Rule out corner cases (includes submodel)
19Keep models compact

As can be seen, we've reduced the size of the model by over 50%. Since the effort needed for a given project increases more than linearly with size, we can estimate that productivity increases compared to the original language by a factor of at least 2. Improving symbols and cutting out corner cases weren't aimed at reducing the size of the model, but will have significant improvements in usability, so I'd guess overall a factor of around 3 is reasonable. Note that this is on top of whatever improvement is gained by Martin in moving from a straight hand-coding solution to a DSL, and from a textual DSL to a graphical DSL. More importantly, though, these are the kinds of steps that anyone can see how to apply to their own modeling language, and any team of developers would benefit from at the modeling level. Interestingly, with MetaEdit+ all of these changes could be applied to the modeling language without throwing away the initial model: the initial model and all intermediate models remain valid throughout, as the language evolves.


Podcast on Domain-Specific Modeling

January 26, 2009 11:42:45 +0200 (EET)

Jim Robertson and Michael Lucas-Smith of Cincom Smalltalk put out a podcast a week on software development. This week they kindly asked me to join them in their virtual studio -- good old Skype and Audacity! We talked about Domain-Specific Modeling, the history of MetaEdit+, and why we use Smalltalk.

The DSM podcast page has the download and some links to background and further information. You can also grab the 15MB MP3 directly or via its iTunes link. One piece of background info for a short section early on: Envy and Store are version control systems for Smalltalk.

Trying to explain DSM in a purely audio medium is something of a challenge, particularly in an unscripted interview where the participants can't see each other: the interviewer's expression is normally a good indication of whether you need to explain something further. I imagine that Juha-Pekka's interview with Markus Voelter did a better job partly because they knew the questions beforehand and could sit down together and look at the same screen. Of course that's also a risk: the listeners cannot see the screen. Mind you, for all its difficulties the audio medium has two major benefits: I don't need to get in front of a camera, and you don't need to look at me!


Earliest use of Domain-Specific Modeling name

January 19, 2009 14:37:03 +0200 (EET)

Jeff Gray asked a good question in response to my "Domain-Specific Modeling: what's in a name?":

Can any readers of Steve's blog suggest what they consider as the earliest reference where the explicit phrase "domain-specific modeling" occurs? I am not asking about where general concepts are defined under other names, but where the specific name is first used.

Let's make it more precise in that we're looking for cases where the phrase is used to mean the same thing that we mean today: creating a new graphical modeling language with a set of symbols, concepts and rules for connecting them to build models of systems in a particular domain. We're not talking about modeling in the more abstract sense, e.g. for textual DSLs or for mathematical models of how a physical system behaves.

I opened the bidding in the comments with Bran Selic's work on ROOM, later seen in ObjecTime and UML/RT:

1992: ROOM: an object-oriented methodology for developing real-time systems, B. Selic, G. Gullekson, J. McGee, I. Engelberg, in: Proceeding of Fifth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering, 6-10 July 1992

That was from Google Scholar; Google Books might help us go back even further. A search for DSM from 1950-1980 turns up the following:

1975: Government reports announcements & index‎ by United States National Technical Information Service - "The proposed tool will include an interactive intelligent graphical interface and a high-level domain-specific modeling language"
1961: International Abstracts in Operations Research‎ by International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Operations Research Society of America - "... environment for domain-specific modeling via the use of user-defined modeling elements..."

The 1961 reference looked particularly fascinating, because it would also be the first reference to DSM where a tool allows users to create their own modeling language, as opposed to just using a tool that contains a fixed DSM language. Presumably not a graphical modeling tool -- it was 2 years before Ivan Sutherland's incredible Sketchpad -- and most likely more on the mathematical modeling side (at least the quote is found verbatim in a paper on queuing theory). The 1975 quote may well be also be more mathematical, as it is found in a paper on planetary atmospheric modeling.

Any other suggestions, or confirmation/refutation of those two early occurrences?

Edit 25.6.2014:The 1961 reference was later corrected to 1991, and the 1975 reference to 1990 (and limited at least at that stage to a single domain). The earliest reference I have found so far is from 1988 by the Vanderbilt team, including Janos Sztipanovits and Gabor Karsai; I had the honour of helping Gabor make a readable version available online.


Oslo: the pain of visual designers and XML was too much

November 10, 2008 16:03:49 +0200 (EET)

One of the interesting questions about Oslo is its relationship to DSL Tools. Actually, we should say between Oslo and Software Factories (the marketing side), or between M and DSL Tools (the technical side). Technically it seems there is no link -- which means no integration and no upgrade path. On the marketing side, few people seem to have picked up on the fact that Keith Short, co-author of the Software Factories book, moved to work on Oslo nearly two years ago. Steve Cook and Alan Cameron Wills, co- authors of the DSL Tools book, have also left the team, but for UML and MSF respectively.

Of course, people move around, and it's more interesting to hear what people still in those teams say. An Oslo developer writes:

If I look around, I see people doing [declarative, model-driven programming] today in the form of XML schemas and dialects, various textual reps, and frameworks that encode a domain. We went down that path as well, using visual designers and XML. But at some point the pain was too much :) We evolved our approach into Oslo.

Microsoft's "visual designers and XML" presumably refers to DSL Tools, and the comment about the pain being too much is perhaps at least one answer to the question of why Oslo isn't being billed as an evolutionary step along the Software Factories / DSL Tools path. It sounds more like Microsoft have concluded that their DSL Tools are an evolutionary dead end, have taken a step back, and are now heading down a different path. That's the impression I get from Keith Short's blog entry: "both Oslo and the DSL Toolkit have grown from a common belief" in DSLs.

Microsoft are of course claiming both products will continue to be developed, but losing 3 out of 6 main figures from the DSL Tools team is hardly encouraging. Mind you, I think what is needed is even more radical: both Oslo and DSL Tools should be put on hold until Microsoft have figured out what you need for an industrial strength language for describing modeling languages. The resulting languages and tools have to scale to multiple simultaneous users, multiple representational paradigms (graphical, textual, matrix, tabular), multiple platforms (not very likely that one!), integration between multiple modeling languages and multiple models, and evolution through multiple versions of the languages. There are a few more multi's I could add (look at slide 15 from my keynote to the OOPSLA DSM Workshop), but you get the picture. And if you want more than just the picture, get the tool!


Two DSM talks in Cambridge UK, 20th Nov 08

November 03, 2008 17:36:18 +0200 (EET)

I've been invited to speak at a couple of events in Cambridge, UK, on 20th November. You can see the full details and register at the event links below, but here's a quick overview.

The first talk is to the Cambridge Wireless Software SIG, in an event on Tackling Diversity in the mobile space. If you're in the area and in the mobile space, the event could well be a good way to use an afternoon: other speakers are Qualcomm's John Scott and Pure-Systems' Danilo Beuche. Here's the blurb for my talk:

15:40 “De-clawing Diversity with Domain-Specific Modeling”
As mobile developers you’ve had to make the right decisions about new technologies more often than most: rejecting those that are duds, waiting on those that are still more hype than substance, but quick to start using those that really work. It’s no surprise then that the mobile industry has been one of the first to show widespread use of Domain-Specific Modeling: early adopters have consistently seen productivity improve by hundreds of percent. With DSM, applications are specified once at a high level of abstraction, and code generators take care of producing all necessary versions for different handsets, networks etc. Since you own the generators, you can easily adjust for new platforms or their versions: no interminable waiting for tool vendors to release an update. In this talk you will see how DSM works to tackle diversity in the mobile space, and learn how you can join those already using it and reap the same benefits

(I've since found out from our resident expert on the canine world what "de-clawing" actually involves. I was thinking more of a light manicure than the rather debatable surgical procedure, so please forgive the title!)

The second event is part of the new Software East initiative of Mark Dalgarno's Software Acumen. The talks are again by myself and Danilo, but at a more introductory level and applicable to any domain, not just mobile. Even better, it's only £15 and you get food! The event is in the evening, and I'll be talking about Moving from Coding to Model-Driven Development:

Everybody would like the productivity benefits of modelling with full code generation, but the upgrade path from coding to modelling seems a closely guarded secret. This session will demystify Domain-Specific Modelling, open the lid on the OMG’s MDA, and shine a light on Microsoft’s Software Factories. We will show which bits of Model-Driven Development (MDD) work, which might work, and which don’t, and explain where they can be applied and where not. Most importantly, we will show the steps to define your own modelling languages and generators to start using models effectively, road-tested in dozens of projects over a decade.


Post-doc / PhD position: Domain-specific modeling languages / metamodeling

October 27, 2008 16:37:10 +0200 (EET)

From: Ivan Porres <>

The Center for Reliable Software Technology CREST at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland is looking to expand its research team on model driven software and system engineering with one new post-doctoral researcher position and one doctoral student position in the area of software modeling languages and tools.
CREST is a research center at the Department of Information Technologies at Åbo Akademi University. Its research is focused on the development and analysis of software intensive systems and on the use of software based research paradigms in systems modeling and development.
We are looking for post-doctoral and PhD. researchers interested in working on a research project focusing in the definition of software and system modeling languages, including domain-specific modeling languages, modeling tools supporting these languages, and the validation of software modeles and languages. The work will be developed under the supervision of Ivan Porres.
Post-doctoral Position
Candidates for a post-doctoral position should have a doctoral degree in software engineering or a closely related field and research experience in topics such as the definition of the UML, definition of domain-specific modeling languages, metamodeling, description logics and tools such as EMF and Alloy. We offer full-time employment for 1 year, ideally starting from Janurary 2009. The employment and salary will be based on the standard agreement and conditions at Åbo Akademi University. In practice, the monthly salary for a postdoctoral researcher is around 2500-3000 euro before taxes depending on experience.
PhD. Position
Candidates for a PhD. position should have a MSc in Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical engineering and good communication and writing skills in English. PhD. students are expected to defend their doctoral thesis within 4 years. We offer full-time employment for 4 years, with an intermediate evaluation after the first year.
Application Procedure
If you are interested in one of the previous positions please send an email to including the following attachments:
  • a motivation letter
  • short description of your research interests
  • full C.V.
  • list of publications (Post doc position)
  • a copy of your M.Sc. degree certification together with your course program and corresponding grades, and (PhD. student position)
  • Contact information for 2 referees.
Please send your attachments in pdf format. The vacancies will be filled on demand, and next deadline is November 30 for starting on January 2009. The following deadline will be February 28 2009. Do not hesitate to contact Ivan Porres ( if you have any questions about the application procedure.


Domain-Specific Modeling: what's in a name?

October 08, 2008 12:55:46 +0300 (EEST)

There's an interesting discussion on the name DSM in the DSM Forum discussion group (join the DSM Forum group on LinkedIn for free to see it). Stefan Hägglund started it, and his questions and my answers are below:

@Stefan: "I've always viewed DSM as belonging to the problem domain. However, recently I've seen DSM being positioned in the solution domain [too]. What do you guys think?"

DSM is all about raising the level of abstraction higher than the level on which we currently build solutions. We always aim at modeling the problem domain: the more we include solution domain information in the models, the leakier the abstraction becomes. If the modeling language concepts are entirely from the solution domain, it has not raised the level of abstraction.

Some people like to build DSM languages starting from a solution framework and abstracting upwards. I find that's often less successful than starting from the problem domain and working downwards, but it is still possible to arrive at a decent problem domain modeling language.

@Stefan: "[If we take] the acronym purely from a semantic perspective, DSM means Domain Specific Modeling, period. If we wanted it to be specifically Problem Domain Specific Modeling, why didn't we call it PSM?"

I think I can speak to that, since I'm one of the guilty parties behind the name. First some background in terms of semantics: no word contains its meaning. That's a fundamental, and should be clear: there's nothing in the sound "cat" that is particularly cat-like. (Since onomatopoeia is unlikely for DSM, let's skip that exception!). We should of course strive in a name for something that uses existing concepts to help get the point across, but it has to be short enough to be used: the name can't be the full explanation.

Why DSM then? Back when we were looking for a name, we looked at existing names and fields. Our own background was in CASE, in particular metaCASE, but that term was only familiar in Europe, and "CASE" worldwide had bad connotations from the overly hyped failures of tools around 1990. DSL was clearly similar, but we needed to distinguish what was different: we were talking about graphical modeling languages. Since some of the languages were matrix-based, we preferred "visual" to "graphical", and the first BOF and workshops at OOPSLA were called "Domain-Specific Visual Languages". That was already a bit of a mouthful, and tended to make people think of "Visual Programming", something else which in most people's minds had been seen to fail. We thus shortened the name to "Domain-Specific Modeling", which also used the widely accepted semantics of the word "modeling" in our community. As shown by all the MD* names, modeling was seen as a key element in moving our field forward. The key differentiator from the other MD* approaches was domain-specificity: the focuses on problem domains, visual languages, code generation, domain frameworks, tooling etc. were important elements, but not as important to DSM as domain specificity, and not as useful in distinguishing it from other approaches.

The term DSM had already been used early on by the GME guys at Vanderbilt, although they had later moved to calling it "model integrated computing". Overall, as a term I think DSM has done OK, although of course something shorter and containing more information would have been better :-). Part of the problem is its very success: remember when O-O was the buzzword, and everything had to be O-O? Back then I remember an advert talking about an "object-oriented user interface", and predicted that DSM will have reached a tipping point when we see the first mention of a "domain-specific user interface" (where D-S is used more for its buzz than its semantics). That happened last year, and Google now has nearly 100 hits for that phrase! When something becomes a buzzword, people want to apply it to their own work even if it doesn't quite fit. There's not much anyone can do about that other than accept it as the price of success: rather that, than that nobody else ever mentions DSM.

However, what we should IMHO try to avoid is accepting those uses of "DSM" as changing its core meaning. If we do that, it becomes devalued and diluted, and most importantly when people apply these other non-DSM approaches, thinking they are DSM, and find no productivity improvements, they will perceive DSM as having failed. To my knowledge, no "pseudo-DSM" has raised productiviy by a factor of 5-10, or even close, whereas for true problem-domain based DSM this is common.

So, I don't want to be the language police here, but if as Stefan says, we have "always viewed DSM as belonging to the problem domain", let's stick to our guns and continue to promote what we know works.

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